Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Deringer/ Owens 2014 Champions!

2014 Final Standings
1)  Deringer/Owens  $19,926,854  (5th  $5,255,079)
2)  Team Wilson  $18,277,360  (1st  $7,492,658)
3)  Sun Devils  $17,807,551  (4th  $5,390,850)
4)  Trail Smokeaters  $16,606,618  (2nd  $6,521,622)
5)  Club Throwers  $15,585,896  (16th  $2,422,752)
6)  Grey Geese  $15,261,012  (12th  $2,821,188)
7)  On The Fringe  $14,838,698  (17th  $2,318,519)
8)  Shanks A Lot  $14,018,654  (8th  $3,728,880)
9)  Team MacKay  $13,973,231  (18th  $1,331,053)
10)  Tour De Golf  $13,641,869  (3rd  $5,908,647)
11)  Team Devlin  $13.397,100  (6th  5,014,796)
12)  Swoopster  $13,202,443  (7th  $4,255,834)
13)  Witnits  $11,659,229  (9th  $3,396,596)
14)  UGC T-Birds  $10,914,048  (15th  $2,430,966)
15)  Team Venables  $10,533,543  (13th  $2,774,577)
16)  One Putts  $9,884,986  (11th  $3,170,280)
17)  Kettleson/ Jones  $9,702,025  (10th  $3,181,838)
18)  Stanyer/ Clarke/ MacKay  $9,331,833  (14th  $2,696,233)
19)  Queen Ruby Duby  $9,064,189  (18th  $2,213,207)
20)  Dead Yanks  $8,246,479  (19th  $1,488,459)

Monday, 8 September 2014

The Final Countdown

I have highlighted the players, on the attached spreadsheet, who are in the Tour Championship for easy reference.

The BMW Championship
1)  Deringer/ Owens  $19,183,855  (5th  $4,512,080)
2)  Team Wilson  $18,017,360  (1st  $7,232,658)
3)  Sun Devils  $16,937,552  (4th  $4,523,796)
4)  Trail  Smokeaters  $15,443,618  (2nd  $5,358,622)
5)  Club Throwers  $15,225,896
6)  Grey Geese  $14,751,345
7)  On the Fringe  $14,648,698
8)  Shanks A Lot  $14,018,654
9)  Team MacKay  $13,805,231
10)  Team Devlin  $12,906,100  (3rd  $4,520,796)
11)  Swoopsters  $12,859,109
12)  Tour De Golf  $12,201,869  (6th  $4,468,647)
13)  Witnits  $11,527,229
14)  UGC T-Birds  $10,760,048
15)  Team Venables  $10,390,543
16)  One Putts  $9,734,986
17)  Kettleson/ Jones  $9,702,025
18)  Stanyer/ Clark/ MacKay  $9,156,833
19)  Queen Ruby Duby  $9,064,189
20)  Dead Yanks  $8,246,479